[6K Release] BCMP-ish2

Welcome to BCMP-ish2!

Your hosts, Exy (Exy :speaking_head:) and Leo137 (Leo :speaking_head:) here.

~insert applause sfx~

Exy :speaking_head: This is the sequel to BCMP-ish, the Bemani Conversion Mini(Mega?)Pack-ish put together by Leo a while back. At 201 songs and exactly 300 charts, BCMP-ish2 is composed primarily of 6k converts of charts from beatmaniaIIDX, with some original Edit charts.

Getting this out the door has been a herculean endeavour. I ended up doing most of the fun parts (converting and charting), while Leo137 did all the hard work, i.e. procuring good audio, making graphics, checking metadata, and everything else not fun about making a pack. Leo, if we ever make another pacquito I promise it won’t be this big :bowing_man:

Leo :speaking_head: But seriously, BCMP-ish1 was already big. This is almost 3 times as big!

Exy :speaking_head: I mean it’s called BCMP-ish2 right, so it has to be 2x the size :roll_eyes:

Pack Stats

  • 201 Songs
  • 300 Charts (Hyper, Another, Leggendaria, and Edit charts)
  • 63 tOtAlLy oRiGiNaL cHaRtS
  • Average MSD difficulty: who knows lol
  • Average footer difficulty: 16 (Our scale, not MSD)
  • 1 year, 6 months in production

:warning:We strongly advise following the difficulty ratings (footer number, NOT MSD) to gauge the difficulty of the charts. :warning:

Big thanks to Kinx and floflo for their charting insights, chart feedback, and quality assurance :chart_with_upwards_trend: Many thanks also to our playtesters, as well as the people that were hyped waiting for the pack to finally be released (Exy :speaking_head: sorry it took so long
 it’s all Leo’s fault I promise :crazy_face:).

Thanks to the chart contributors:

  • Exy (aka Exag0n)
  • Leo137
  • Kinx
  • Lemonguy

Special shout-outs to the following charters who provided inspiration:

  • Roar176 (The Sampling Paradise)
  • Cetaka (Make Me Your Own)
  • bmah (New Lights)
  • Lurker (Night sky)
  • IcyWorld (S!ck)

Difficulty classification:

  • Single Another charts are saved as HD/Heavy
  • Single Leggendaria charts are saved as IN/Challenge
  • Original charts were saved as ED/Edit
  • If a song had two Edit charts, one was saved as IN/Challenge, the other as ED/Edit

How to play this pack:

  • Download the .zip from the Google Drive (from here, or by clicking the pack banner above)
  • Press butan
  • ???
  • Easy quad
  • Profit!

How right Leo was

Finally, some comments about the charts, most notably the Edit charts (sorted alphabetically).

Song Comments

Exy :speaking_head: I love BlackY man, what can I say. I knew this song would have to be in the pack when I first heard it, and that it would have to have an Edit. Decided to go pretty full-on dumpstream style (full McDonald’s).

■Back Into The Light
Exy :speaking_head: An absolute classic. I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t been converted for any of the previous BCMP packs, it’s actually one of the best songs ever added to IIDX (or any music game for that matter).

The Edit is kind of a meme; it’s my attempt at making the entire chart into pure chordstream. Despite not being the most serious chart I think it turned out pretty okay. At 2738 notes it actually barely ekes out WHA Edit for most notes in the entire pack (lmao).

Exy :speaking_head: I love BlackY, man what can I say. No but really I think this song is great, and when I saw how lacklustre the Another chart was I just had to make an Edit. Lots of charting help and feedback from both Kinx and Leo on this one. Kinx basically fixed up the entire middle section with all the rolls and mines, I think it’s absolutely sick. Thanks as always my dude <3

■Don’t let it go
Exy :speaking_head: Another song I’m surprised hasn’t been seen in a BCMP thus far. Glad I could pick it up.

The Edit is definitely pretty extra, but I think I came up with some interesting hold tech. Really hope Mr. T comes back to IIDX.

■e-motion 2003 -romantic extra-
Exy :speaking_head: Yet another song I’m surprised hadn’t been converted. Felt like it deserved an Edit as well, so I slapped one together. Lots of parallel patterns, brackets, and chords that are bigger than they need to be.

Exy :speaking_head: More Mr. T! One of my absolute favourite songs, another 10th style banger. Obviously deserved an Edit, so I put a lot of effort into making what I would imagine the Leggendaria chart might look like in IIDX if it ever got one. Overall I’m really happy with the quality of the result.

■Flip Flap
Exy :speaking_head: One of the spiritual sequels to smoooochăƒ»âˆ€ăƒ», which has already been converted (twice!). I always wanted to make an Edit for this, so this pack was a great chance to add it.

Given that the song is basically just 12ths the entire way, this just felt like a natural candidate for a chordjack-style chart. But that alone wasn’t that interesting, so I started adding rolls and holds and you end up with this 
 weird mess. Thanks to Leo as always for helping me clean up some of the inconsistencies and making it a lot more fun to play.

 and now
 drumroll please


■Flying Castle
Exy :speaking_head: The “crown jewel” of the entire pack (at least in my opinion), Flying Castle Edit is a triple collab between Kinx, Leo137 and myself. I always wanted to do a big collab chart with all three of us, so one day when we were hanging out in the 6k discord server voice channel I suggested we do a collab, and so we looked through the song list for potential candidates. We wanted something with varied musical styles because I wanted us to try charting different sections independently and then stitch them together. After narrowing it down to a few candidates, we ended up deciding on Flying Castle. As we started brainstorming chart ideas and figuring out who would chart which section, it occurred to us that we could use cOlOuR tHeOrY to denote who had charted what, explained as follows.

The first section in the normal colours is by Kinx. It has some of the coolest roll gimmicks I’ve seen, and that’s saying something considering Involute Cluster exists (if you don’t know what this is, for God’s sake look it up; it’s a 6k pack by Kinx). After the first section, the colours shift to cold (purple, pink, cyan) which denotes that it’s Leo’s section. The following hard bass section is my section, where it shifts to warm colours (red, orange, yellow). We go back and forth a bit, and then in the final section of the song where it returns to normal colours it’s a triple collab where all three of us worked on the ending, incorporating some themes from previous sections along with new material. I really think that you can see the distinct charting styles in each of the sections, and the colour theory makes it stand out as a special chart. I’m really proud of the work we did on this guys <3

Leo :speaking_head: Exy said already too much so I don’t have much else to point out lol. But I’m happy that we chose this song because it has some great variety which is suitable for collabing. Roll technicality is over the top here. A lot of things going on that are hard to keep up with on a sightread (we call it ~ replay value ~).

Try to guess which person made which section!

Exy :speaking_head: Yeah, good old rEpLaY vAlUe. Also I already spoiled who did which part dude lmao <3

Leo :speaking_head: Ignore Exy’s comment and try to guess!

Kinx :speaking_head: You can quad a chart, but have you ever tried to quad the BPM? Overall, a proud moment to see us reap the fruits of our labor. The different perspectives from each charter offer a continuous fresh take from bar to bar that I believe is clear by playing it.

Kinx :speaking_head: Blacklolita songs are prime candidates for gimmick potential. The BPM and this song’s composition are no exception to that. I opted to take advantage of the general simplicity of the song and then it essentially charted itself. Many of the gimmicks of the chart were tested over and over to achieve a memory-heavy chart and this is the result.

Leo :speaking_head: This chart is impossible, get ready to get shattered, trashed, ruined and broken. Excellent job by Kinx making such a complicated yet fun to play esoteric/technical chart.

Exy :speaking_head: Many thanks to Kinx for this absolutely thrashtastic Edit chart. Has great Involute Cluster vibes, while incorporating some new roll and lift tech that I haven’t seen before. An actual work of art from a super swell dude <3

■Get’em up to R.A.V.E
Exy :speaking_head: Leo always memes that everything is my “favourite song” or “favourite chart” but seriously this song is absolute sex. In case you didn’t know or couldn’t guess, Disconation is one of kors k’s aliases. Another one of those old classics that I wanted to make an Edit chart for, and so I kind of went all out.

I’m terrible at jacks at the best of times, and so as a result I don’t think I’m that good at charting them either, but for once I tried going out of my “comfort zone” (i.e. just straight dumpstream lmao). I’m really happy with how this one turned out though.

■Ghost Pulse
Exy :speaking_head: This might very well be the first song/chart that was made for this pack. When IIDX EPOLIS first came out and I heard this song in the default song list, I knew it had to be in the pack. I couldn’t wait for the Another chart to be added (since it wasn’t in the game at that point) so I made the Edit first and added the Another after (much to my disappointment because I think the Another is pretty lacking).

Exy :speaking_head: Similar story as with Ghost Pulse. I made the Edit for this before the Another chart was out as well. Thanks to Leo again for helping me to fix charting inconsistencies <3

Leo :speaking_head: I’m so bad at roll tech, so I made it really easy here. Hit the rolls, feel good-cool :sunglasses:. (Exy :speaking_head: wow bad

Combination of roll tech, with fake roll tech, also fakes? Can be scary on a sightread.

Exy :speaking_head: Blacklolita with vocals!? It’s definitely a new style. The Edit chart Leo made for this feels like an easier version of GIGA THRASH Edit in some ways (in a good way? :woozy_face:). Cool use of fakes (fake fakes?)!

Exy :speaking_head: This song is so old it’s probably older than some of the people playing it (LOL). Of the TaQ songs I looked at, I thought this one had the most potential for a techy chordjack-style chart. Thanks to Kinx and Leo for feedback and consistency checks; I think this one turned out really good in the end!

■ゼョゼョっべäșș魚:hotsprings:çˆ†ć©šăƒ–ăƒ©ă‚€ăƒ€ăƒ« (Gyogyotto Ningyo :hotsprings: Bakkon Bridal)
Exy :speaking_head: Oh boy, this song. Now listen, I know what you’re thinking
 “why the fuck is THIS song in the pack?” What do you mean? This song fucking owns. At least it’s not generic as fuck like some of the newer Prim songs. The lyrics are actually pretty clever.

So, the Edit chart 
 let’s just say that the chart concept was “to make the most aids chart possible,” which is to say: it has gratuitous hyper-syncing of the lyrics in some parts (which is nonsense I know LMAO), absolutely ass glut jack transitions, chordjacks with mines, roll/hold/roll+hold gimmicks, a 24th trill in 64 because why the fuck not, mines right at the end of holds because fuck you <3. :hotsprings: It’s :hotsprings: a :hotsprings: masterpiece. :hotsprings: Make sure your butthole is clenched.

Leo :speaking_head: You need to be mentally prepared to play this chart, and I don’t just mean you have to be warmed up. It’s just that kind of chart!

Leo :speaking_head: Wanted to do some roll tech but it really didn’t work at that BPM. It’s catchy and a nice hold challenge.

Exy :speaking_head: Really cool song that marks the end of the ćčłæˆ (Heisei) era, by our favourite resident DJ dj NAOKI MAEDA I mean oops it’s actually dj Taka this time. Anyway, I really like how this Edit turned out.

Exy :speaking_head: So this was a kind of dual collab with Leo where we both had different takes on how to chart it. My version is a hold chart, whereas Leo’s is more straightforward chordstream. I think this is another cool way to do chart collabs because not only do you get to see different styles, you can try the different charts and see which you prefer!

Leo :speaking_head: This is my chordstream interpretation of INAZUMA. It’s a pretty scorable/rateable and straightforward file to play.

Exy :speaking_head: Okay, this isn’t an Edit chart or anything, it’s just a convert of the Another. But the reason I included this in the pack is because I feel like this chart is one of the best examples of a chart that you would NEVER play nonrandom/mirror. Especially the 24th double stairs are just so ass. Try it on shuffle, it’s actually super fun.

Also I guess the song owns lmao

■Let me be your cure
Leo :speaking_head: You might have noticed how we delve more into technical roll tech and holds for the Edit charts in this pack. This was probably my most hold-heavy-oriented chart to date. Completely different than the Another, almost feeling O2Jam-ish (new pack idea here Exy :speaking_head: oh God

Exy :speaking_head: All memes aside, I think that hold tech is quite unexplored from a 6k perspective (well, excluding the really terrible osu 6k converts, but that’s a story for another day). I hope we see more charts from Leo (and Kinx!) like this in the future.

■Line 4 Ruin
Exy :speaking_head: Absolute banger from PENDUAL, which to me doesn’t feel like so long ago but I guess that just shows you how much of a boomer I actually am (feelsbadman). Incredible to think that this song is 11 years old already.

The Edit is similar to Back Into The Light where I went for the densest chordstream I thought was reasonable. I actually used the Another chart as a base and beefed up the chords as I saw fit.

■Matt Silver
Leo :speaking_head: Since seeing some more jack oriented charts for this in 4k, I wanted to give it a shot in 6k. Pretty dense overall and filled with minijacks, it’s a physically taxing chart to play.

■Make Me Your Own
Exy :speaking_head: Okay, firstly this song doesn’t actually have a Leggendaria chart (which you might think it does because of the 18 Challenge, which is actually my original Edit chart). The Challenge chart is my take on making a Leggendaria-style chart for this. Meanwhile, the observant among you might have noticed the homage to our good friend Cetaka in the cdtitle. The Edit chart for this is my conversion of his legendary 4k file. Have an enjoy.

â– æ‘©ć€©æ„Œ (Matenrou)
Leo :speaking_head: Song is just so cool, I went a bit ham on layering faint stuff and the holds can be pretty tricky. But I can assure you that the result is pretty ergonomic and better balanced difficulty-wise than the Another.

Exy :speaking_head: Definitely agree. The song is super duper cool (Julianne is obviously an aran alias, right?) but the Another chart is kind of super duper backloaded in terms of difficulty. It was nice that Leo added an Edit that ironed out those kinks (Kinx!? :exploding_head:) while also putting a different spin on things.

By the way, I didn’t know this until I looked it up, but æ‘©ć€©æ„Œ means “skyscraper.” Really fits the EPOLIS theme!

■Necroxis Girl
Kinx :speaking_head: This chart became much more difficult than what was originally anticipated. The song itself felt pretty similar to GIGA THRASH both in BPM and its sounds, but attempting new approaches to gimmicks was prioritized. In doing so, the chart might have become more difficult. There may be quite a few particularly difficult gimmicks that can only be possible through Etterna’s gameplay mechanics. But if the game allows it, then the only choice is to adapt to it!

■New Lights
Leo :speaking_head: Inspiration taken from bmah’s 4k chart for New Lights. Some tricky holds with mine dodging, and technical bursts on the “chorus.” Has some nice variety.

Exy :speaking_head: Another one of my all-time favourite kors k songs. Waiting for this to get a Leggendaria.

■Night sky
Leo :speaking_head: Inspiration taken from lurker’s 4k chart for Night sky. At this BPM, the minijacks get brutal to play, forming half-anchors sometimes. Has a fair share of 24ths during the drop with mini holds, and then the end section chordstream is dense. Hard chart to play, happy how solid the end result got to be.

Exy :speaking_head: I was surprised with how hard this turned out, but I like it. (Leo :speaking_head: really??? Exy :speaking_head: Yes really lmao)

Leo :speaking_head: The last Edit chart I made (excluding collabs). It’s a combination of tech seen in Ventriloquist, Pout, and hold heavy charts (HEISEI, Let me be your cure). The fast bursts combine with the non 4/4 time signature making for a very unique result. Awkward to play, starts to feel way better on replays.

Exy :speaking_head: Really cool result for a really cool song. I couldn’t muster the courage to make an Edit chart for this, so I’m really glad Leo did (because the song really deserves it!).

■ă‚ȘăƒŒăƒ«ăƒˆăźé›Č (Oort no Kumo, or “Oort Cloud”)
Exy :speaking_head: This is my go-to example for single most undercharted chart in IIDX (maybe there are others, but I sure couldn’t think of anything). The Another is just so unbelievably lacking, it’s almost as if they’ve pre-planned for a Leggendaria chart to come out, but we’re still waiting for it (I swear it’s coming though seriously come the fuck on).

The Edit for this is my attempt to chart all the missing sounds and rhythms (within reason). I actually put quite a bit of effort into making this one interesting; hope it shows. One of OSTER projects better songs of late!

Exy :speaking_head: Yet another 10th style banger, holy shit 10th style just had all the best songs didn’t it.

The Edit is my take on what a Leggendaria might look like for this. Not too hard, but I think it has some interesting ideas for a “basic” chart.

Exy :speaking_head: Yes yes, we know that the K and N are actually backwards in the real title, but Etterna doesn’t display them correctly okay? (they’re correct in the graphics at least)

Camellia and Nanahira together are kind of a meme around these parts, but I actually think this song is kinda great lmao. I wanted to make an Edit chart worthy of this masterpiece, so I went full Osu-style McDonald’s charting (which basically means really easy to read patterns that don’t necessarily have to go to the music, stuff that “feels good” essentially, just like fast food!). That said, I actually think the chart itself isn’t bad (maybe Kinx thinks otherwise.)

Leo :speaking_head: Cute future bass song, heavy chords, some stairy 32nds and layers of holds. Exy can’t quad this because it contains one unit (1) of minijacks.

Exy :speaking_head: Okay c’mon dude it’s too hard to quad at the best of times. Cool chart tho <3

■Programmed Life
Exy :speaking_head: I love the Programmed series, and I feel like Programmed Life is overlooked (maybe because it’s only a 10? Tricky 10 though). Really happy with the way the Edit chart turned out. I wanted it to be mostly straightforward chordstream (which it is), but I think I managed to come up with some non-standard patterns (mostly to do with yellow triples that actually hit C1 and C6). Surprisingly tricky!

â– ă·ă‚ăă‚ŒăŁă—ă¶æ™‚ç©șć°‘ć„ł!ă†ă‚‰ă—ăŸăŸă‚ć­ăĄă‚ƒă‚“! (Progressive Jikuu Shoujo! Urashima Taroko-chan! or “Progressive Spacetime Girl! Urashima Taroko-chan!”)
Exy :speaking_head: One of my absolute favourite songs ever, also from PENDUAL. I’ve always wanted to make an Edit for this, and I really wanted to do it justice so I ended up putting it off and overthinking it. While I initially was planning for it to be relatively straightforward, it lacked punch so it kind of ended up being a gimmick chart with rolls and holds. Hope you like it!

■Rock It
Exy :speaking_head: I’ll admit it. To make the Edit I copied the Another chart as is, then added a note to buff every chord.

 and the result is so good! How can you even complain?

Exy :speaking_head: A soft request from my good man Kinx, who drew the absolutely incredible cameo of us three for the graphics (from the left: Kinx, Exy, Leo137). The man has some serious talent. Love you dude <3

Leo :speaking_head: Started out as a direct inspiration from IcyWorld’s 4k chart of S!ck, but it didn’t work out as is for the 6k keymode. It’s a complicated combination of bursts, holds and mines. I’m happy how I could compromise playability with technical execution, honing the feeling of this chart with a lot of playtesting. (s!ck chart)

Exy :speaking_head: Where’s the BAD emoji when you need it?

Along with The Sampling Paradise this is tied for the best song in IIDX. It’s just a scientific fact at this point there’s no point in arguing with it.

Kinx :speaking_head:

■Several Words
Exy :speaking_head: One of my “favourite songs” (which I have a lot of, but for real this time). In case you didn’t know, CAPACITY GATE is TAG.

While the Another chart is great and all, it’s not that hard (sadly), so it’s Edit time! Didn’t really go into this one with any particular concept, it actually charted itself very naturally. This is probably one of my favourite charts (of the ones I’ve made).

Leo :speaking_head: This is ass but surprisingly feels better on replays. Kind of hard repeated drum fills sections, not standard to see outer yellow anchors (amazing how this throws you off and how little it’s actually used in charts).

■Shattered control
Leo :speaking_head: The now not-so-secret song of BCMP-ish 1 contains an additional original Edit chart. It’s the result of charting all the sounds possible and with almost no restraint or common sense. I would nerf it but Exy was “fond” of the result so we keep it as-is.

Exy :speaking_head: Yeah, I did seriously consider making a nerfed version of Leo’s Edit as another Edit chart, but I just thought Leo’s version was better anyway so that’s what you get! Hope you don’t lose any of your fingers trying to play this due to them being utterly shattered (get it? :crazy_face:).

Leo :speaking_head: I think its funny how this ended being easier that the Another chart itself. Tried some dump charting on the vocal “whispers”, and some polyrhythms and weird rhythmical noise charting. The streams ended up being pretty comfy and it has such a nice aesthetic overall, I’m fond of the result.

Exy :speaking_head: Song’s fucking impossible man. I was really surprised when Leo told me he was making an Edit chart for this because I thought to myself “why on earth would this need an Edit!?” But I actually think it’s a cool take on it (better than the Another!).

Leo :speaking_head: The “fun” measure in the Another chart (legit IIDX charting)

■甂焔たClaudia (Shuuen no Claudia)
Exy :speaking_head: The spiritual sequel to Anisakis, this one’s by äșŒä»Łç›źæœ±é›€ (DJ TOTTO). When they added this, I asked Leo if he wanted to collab on an Edit, and thankfully he agreed, so we got to work.

I felt like the Another was quite lacking here and there, so we tried to beef the whole thing up while making sure to pay respect to the Suzaku guitar wails -suzaku guitar-. Next time you play this, try counting them!

Exy :speaking_head: I love BlackY man, what can I say. Oh wait this is the 3rd time isn’t it.

But come on, this song absolutely slaps. An absolute travesty that they only gave it an 11 Another. To do it justice I tried making a combination chordstream and gimmick chart. Actually really proud of how this one turned out.

Leo :speaking_head: Not even BlackY lol this is Camellia

Exy :speaking_head: Wow, even more music game slander!

■The Sampling Paradise
Exy :speaking_head: Okay so before you ask, I didn’t have anything to do with this Edit; Leo randomly decided to include Roar’s chart from way back when (who knows when).

That said, this is one of the best songs in IIDX (no but really). Leo doesn’t believe me but what does he know?

Oh no, now he’s trying to edit my readme aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :eye:

Leo :speaking_head: Exy cant quad this so the rating is too high

Exy :speaking_head: ??? Is this guy even for real??? Actual music game slander going on right here

Leo :speaking_head: I found a “IIDX Lincle Megapack” song on Youtube! After 12 years of waiting, you can finally enjoy it!!!

Leo :speaking_head: Being really fond of IcyWorld’s 4k chart of this, I charted my own 4k version years ago; I just love this song so much that I had to chart it for 6k again for the pack!. I’m happy how it ends up being as a classic chordstream challenge, but with modern flairs and hold difficulty added. Something I couldn’t have done some years ago!

Exy :speaking_head: Definitely a super duper tricky chart. You can really tell the effort that went into it though.

Leo :speaking_head: Just some easy minedodging i promise!

Exy :speaking_head: Yeah, “easy.”

Personally I find the Another to be like 100 times easier than the Edit but maybe that’s just me. They’re both rated 17s because reasons.

Exy :speaking_head: Another old song; this one’s 23 years old! But my God does this song still slap your ass to this day.

I had to make an Edit for this. I think it’s pretty basic chordstream, but I think it’s just what this song needs, and I’m happy with the result. Glad that I was able to give this song it’s day in the sun!

Leo :speaking_head: Of the charts I made for the pack, this is my favourite. The piano streams are layered keeping pitch relevance in mind, while also being comfy and with flams, then there’s the drop section with mine-hold theory, and the ending part goes heavy on holds for the lead, ending on a sweet note. The musical production is just so great and I keep getting interested in the file from beginning to end, it just feels so tightly packed all together which I really like.

I replayed this a lot. Totally recommended.

Exy :speaking_head: Definitely agree with Leo on this one. Absolutely great chart for a great song.

â– æƒ‘æ˜Ÿâ˜†ăƒ­ăƒȘポップ (Wakusei☆Lollipop)
Exy :speaking_head: This song originally came out on Beatstream (a Konami touchscreen arcade game), which has been dead for a while now. It was truly tragic that this great song was stuck on a dead game, but then Konami decided to add it to IIDX with a pretty straightforward but fun 11 chart, so it was perfect to add to the pack. This is the kind of song I wish

This was also one of the first Edit charts I worked on. It went through quite a bit of stops and starts to get done (it wasn’t so much lack of motivation as it was putting pressure on myself to make it good). It definitely was a struggle, but I think the final result was well worth the effort put in.

Exy :speaking_head: I do not condone the monstrosity that this Edit became
 please forgive me.

Leo :speaking_head: Just play this and you will understand the title of the song.

Exy :speaking_head: Okay but seriously, it all started out with Lemonguy saying that he wanted to make an Edit chart for WHA, after which he posted a preview of what he’d made so far. I think he ran into the problem that I always do when charting, which is that he had some cool ideas for some of the sections, but not others. I asked Leo (half-jokingly) whether he wanted to “finish” it, and he quietly got to work behind the scenes and before I knew it this was finished. It’s actually been slightly nerfed since the original version (can you even believe that?)

■Why did you go away
Exy :speaking_head: 
 leaving me to mend this broken heart again? How can I go on, when love was so strong? Oh baby, this beat goes on and on and on. On and on and on, tell me what went wrong, baby~

This song is such a banger, I absolutely had to include it. Perfect candidate for a chordstream Edit chart as well. This one practically charted itself; definitely one of my favourites.

â– ć€•ç„Œă‘ ~Fading Day~ (Yuuyake ~Fading Day)
Leo :speaking_head: JAKAZiD its just amazing. I wasn’t really fond of this particular song in the beginning, but it grew on me. Just really nice UKHC vibes which goes smooth over chordstream, then some holds on the second half to put stress on the vocals.

Exy :speaking_head: Yuuyake is definitely one of the all time best songs in IIDX, hands down (hands up? :thinking:). I don’t think anybody could argue with that. As a result I was kind of intimidated to make an Edit because I wasn’t sure I could do it justice, but that’s when you call up your friendly neighbourhood Brasiliero and get him to make an Edit instead. Thanks Leo <3

Exy :speaking_head: If you made it this far, thanks for reading! It was an absolute blast making this pack, even though it took forever. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we did making it.

Leo :speaking_head: I can’t wait to play FREEDOM DiVE!


Congratulations on the release! Here I was thinking we’d be lucky enough for a 2030 release. What a treat!

2030 release


lets go

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I’ve been waiting for this, thank you exy and leo for the pack!!!

Congrats on the release!! Been looking forward to this

we like 6k

2025 is the year of solo

just came