DashDash's Patchable Theme Edit(s)

~ DashDash’s Patchable Theme Edits ~

Hi! Below is a list of theme edits I’ve made to the game in the format of git patches. You’ll need the patch utility to apply them, which you can use on Windows via Git bash, mingw/cygwin, or my preferred one, WSL.
Having edits in patches makes keeping edits through game updates a lot easier.

Will edit this post whenever I have more edits to publish.

Hide SSRs and remove player rating on rebirth


This patch file should be applied on Themes/Rebirth/BGAnimations/, like so:

Etterna/Themes/Rebirth/BGAnimations$ patch -p0 < noSSR.patch
Etterna/Themes/Rebirth/BGAnimations$ find . -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm {} + ← This will delete the original, unpatched files! But it’s necessary to avoid file conflict errors.

It removes the player rating on the top bar, and the SSR from the eval screen entirely, and replaces the numbers on the leaderboards and profile/scores tab in the song wheel for question marks, retaining the original ColorByMSD function, so instead of having a number to hyperfixate on, you’ll just have a very rough estimate which is fairly useful to notice outliers on your top plays.


Patch created on 0.72.3, successfully tested on the second to latest 0.73.0 test client.

Warning icon on rebirth’s eval if SSR is different from expected


This patch file should be applied on Themes/Rebirth/, like so:

Etterna/Themes/Rebirth$ patch -p0 < warnOnWeirdSSR.patch
Etterna/Themes/Rebirth$ find . -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm {} + ← This will delete the original, unpatched files! But it’s necessary to avoid file conflict errors.

It displays a warning icon on eval if one of these conditions are met:

  • User played on a rate above 2.0
  • User played on a rate below 0.7
  • User played on a halfrate, the score is above 93%, and the SSR is lower than the file’s MSD
  • Song is less than 70 seconds long

Hovering over it will give details on why the SSR might be different from what you’d expect.

Patch created on 0.72.3, successfully tested on the second to latest 0.73.0 test client.


this is a good edit