Pumpularly Dumped Out (The Submission Arc)

(updated to fix the banner title as apparently i can’t type the title right)

Pumpularly Dumped Out is a pack for charts specifically for the Pump gamemode.


  • The file has to have a Pump difficulty. If you don’t understand what that means, look at the list of options when making a difficulty in ArrowVortex (or any simfile editor).
  • Please make a chart that is playable.
  • Your file must not contain NSFW, or anything severely indecent.

There will be no limits on how many charts can submitted by an individual.

You may submit your files to me either through the forums (PM-ing me or something), or through Discord (tokyostarshashtag0748).

There is no real deadline; the submissions will close either when charting dries up (like 2 months without a chart added), or until over 50-10 files are created and put into the pack.