[Til Death] A few color configs I found

These arent made by me, just posting them here for easier access to them

  1. colorConfig.lua - Pastebin.com

This only works and may require this theme (only works on etterna 0.55 for the full experience, id probably just use the others lol GitHub - agoramachina/Etternal-Love
colorConfig.lua - Pastebin.com

  1. return { difficulty= {Hard= "#ff6666", Challenge= "#c97bff", Routine= "#ff9a0 - Pastebin.com
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Nice! Editing this to move my post to its own thread, I recommend embedding the images, you can actually drag them right into the forum post if you want!

Oops, didnt know

A little note for the second color config is that it is not reflective of what you see in the screenshot. The color gradient in the songwheel and tabs were done via theme/lua editing. Specifically, that screenshot is from a very old theme project for 0.55 (nearly 7 years ago) that mimicks the feel of the Simply Love theme in Til Death.

You can check the original code here if you want to replicate the rainbow songwheel. The theme itself does not work with newer versions of the game.

Ah, I didnt know that since I never tried to use it ingame, going to add it with disclaimer

Your edit says it doesn’t work altogether, but the color config itself works. The rainbow songwheel is part of a custom theme. The color config pastebin will work if you insert it to Til Death.

Theme refers to the game theme itself (e.g. Til Death is a theme, Rebirth is a theme etc)