Welcome to Blue Paradise!
A theme edit made by SnaptopZippys with the assistance of Joleskins and spxnoire. It includes edits such as a grade counter on the bottom right… yeah that’s it-
Theme supports 4:3 only
will support 16:9 and 16:10 some other time.
Download here!
Credits (taken from the Github repo)
SnaptopZippys - Mostly idea-crafting and doing some of the code
spxnoire - helping Snaptop for most of the code
Joleskins - helping out with various things like removing music visualizer and changing scroll tick
steffenxyz - for making grade count display
the manip factor team - for making the manip factor used in Blue Paradise.
ifwas - serving as inspiration for making an edit of Til Death. check out his theme here
hey siri remind me to post updated screenshots later…
To do list:
- fix steps display moving when in preview
- fix cdtitle position in preview
- actually fix playlist page
I’ll add more when I remember to.