If you are a player who just installed the game and is looking to download packs, you may have stumbled upon these issues:
Why are they not working for me?
You may have noticed that EO has switched to a completely new website. The pack downloader in all previous clients (0.72.3 and below) relied on the API of the old EtternaOnline website, which no longer exists. As a result, the pack downloader has stopped functioning in all those clients.
Only 0.74.0 and above supports in-game pack downloading from the new website. To get those, visit Etterna’s Github page. You can also choose to install packs manually.
Important note on Bundle Downloader
The previous pack downloader was hardcoded into the game and hasn’t been updated since it was introduced over 6 years ago.
The new bundle downloader on version 0.74.0 and up is tag-based, allowing us to dynamically update the bundles over time by introducing new entries and removing older ones.